The Friends of Peb Jackson Gathering - 2023

01 — Only in Christ do joy and grief kiss

This gathering was the brainchild of a few friends of the late Peb Jackson, as they wrestled with what to do with the tremendous legacy of Christlike love he left Earth-side. This two-day event in Colorado Springs gathered around 150 people, all deeply impacted by Peb's life. A few hand-selected guests shared thoughts on a unique aspect of his life, guests perused a silent auction of some of his cherished items, and the evening concluded with an intimate worship set by Ed Cash and a powerful time of story sharing. The following morning we shared breakfast together.

02 — Creative process

My intention was to care deeply for the event's stakeholders by executing their ideas and vision. This meant saying 'let's do it!' to off-the-wall, last-minute, or ever-changing requests, ensuring each moment on the guest's journey was intuitive and hospitable, and constantly scanning the room for ways to show honor and care to everyone who journeyed in.

The menu, place card, liturgy, and giving card were designed to layer on top of one another beautifully on the table.
Event logo created by Rylie Swain at
Peb loved liturgies from "Every Moment Holy" by Douglas McKelvey. This is the front of the liturgy I chose from the book.
The backside of the opening liturgy. I adapted and expanded on this liturgy to fit this gathering uniquely.

This event was a huge honor for me personally, as I was one of the many who knew, loved, and was loved by Peb Jackson.

Enjoy the presence of Jesus, dear friend.